Meet the Principal


“When I think of STEM, I think about how historically, marginalized populations have been excluded from the education and societal benefits that those careers provide. My vision for Whittier Elementary School is that all our students develop and maintain a genuine interest in the sciences, math, engineering, and technology. To do this, I believe we need to stoke student interest in these fields as well as debunk the myth of “I’m not good at math and science.” I have found that most children, even those who believe they aren’t mathematically or scientifically inclined, have some inquiry in the field, whether it’s how a video game system is created or how different germs make us sick. STEM to me is about finding an entry point into fields that may seem “difficult” or only for certain students. STEM is everywhere and as an institution of learning, it is our job to create ways for students to engage in the many ways that our lives are made easier and more efficient by the advancements we’ve made in those fields. STEM is about access and innovation and some of the best and brightest minds are waiting to be activated.”

-Principal Johnson